Plants are the final and most important feature in any landscape plan. They provide architectural interest, colour and often fragrance for many years to come. Placement of trees is essential due to their size and ability to clean the air (this also has an economic value). Plant selection depends on zone and sand exposure, so consideration of this is taken for all shrubs, perennials and trees.
Regular mulching provides a little biodiversity for the surrounding plants. New compost needs to be added every few years to maintain healthy plants.

After 10 years, this resilient garden is still performing. The density of plants keeps weeds away and in an excellent, “biodiversity” garden which acts as a haven for beneficial insects.

Groundcovers (small plants allowed to spread over time) are effective in controlling weeds and moisture. Groundcovers complete the garden with various colours, textures and bloom times.


Spring Bulbs

Trees and Shrubs

Cutleaf Japanese Maple, green all summer…tolerates shade and shown with Jack Frost Brunerra at base. Cutleaf Stephanandra, wonderful spreading plant; white flowers in June.

Plant Combinations
Examples below of how proper plant selection for trees, shrubs, perennials and groundcovers can achieve an overall look with lasting impact.